Juralio rolling out across Slaughter and May

Graeme Johnston / 3 February 2023 We’re pleased to announce that Slaughter and May have, since January 2023, started making Juralio available across the firm.  This follows Juralio winning the firm’s Collaborate competition in December 2020 and a pilot in 2021. The 2023 roll-out started with the firm’s London Corporate and Disputes groups and some Business Services… Continue reading Juralio rolling out across Slaughter and May

Information as power

Graeme Johnston / 30 January 2023 Informating …[A]ctivities… are transformed into information and thus become visible and measurable… [This] can be empowering. However, it can also be used to centralize power… [to] enable… monitoring… and [to replace people] by machines. However, these machines create new forms of information that can be used, simultaneously creating new… Continue reading Information as power

Making progress with process in complex legal work

Graeme Johnston / 24 January 2023 If you mention ‘process’ to many lawyers, it tends to conjure visions of something handed down from above. Potentially imposing burdens upon you for the benefit of others. Possibly managed by people who don’t really get the realities of legal work. It may in some contexts also have the… Continue reading Making progress with process in complex legal work

Trees, imperfection and disorder

Graeme Johnston / 30 December 2022 A perennial topic is whether to conceptualise work, organisations, documents, knowledge – and information generally – in The more flexible approaches have benefits which are so well-known that I won’t try to summarise them here. Trees also have serious limitations and dangers, also well-known. So. Nobody would claim that… Continue reading Trees, imperfection and disorder

Juralio templates

Graeme Johnston / 2 July 2022 The image shows a message I’ve just sent to Juralio early access participants seeking views on which templates to add next. 🟢 Juralio helps you to map your work and get it done. Project management and more. Simple and pleasant to use, and scales to complex stuff while still… Continue reading Juralio templates